Event Insurance For Your Clients

Event venues, such as wedding venues and other special occasions, require reliable and comprehensive event insurance to safeguard their interests and those of their guests. The unpredictable nature of events means that unforeseen circumstances or accidents can occur, potentially resulting in costly liability claims. By securing event insurance, venue owners can confidently mitigate risks associated with property damage, bodily injury, and other liabilities. This essential coverage not only provides peace of mind for the venue and its clients, but also ensures that guests can fully enjoy the memorable experience without the burden of worry.

What we offer:

  • A cobranded website with a 5 minute process to purchase and acquire event insurance

  • Quick and easy use for clients

  • Liability + property protection for both you and your client

  • Affordable rates between $200-$500/event (Depending on number of guests/type of event)

Ready to Connect?

Who is Grant Johnson?

Grant is an Oklahoma Native who loves all things Oklahoma. He earned his BA from The University of Central Oklahoma (Go Bronchos) and went on to earn a Masters in Counseling at Southern Nazarene University. He's been an insurance agent since 2015 and has a passion for helping clients & partners with their insurance needs.

Grant enjoys staying active, going to the lake, river, and finding any excuse to be outside with his wife, Tiffany, his kids, Eisley & Koda, and their dog, Forester.